Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Field Trip

Dear 7th Grade Parents-

We are excited to announce the 7th grade field trip for this year that will take place on Tuesday, March 29th.  Students will enjoy the day visiting the State Capital in Austin and Pioneer Farms.  Buses will depart from the campus at 7am and return around 5pm.  (Exact details with return time to follow) The field trip fee will cover the cost of tickets and transportation. With that in mind, we are asking that parents pay $20 per student enrolled in 7th grade, with a family maximum of $60. Click on the link if you haven’t paid already.


5-8 Field Trip Payment


If paying the fee is a hardship for you, please contact Jennifer Cape at


Parent Chaperones-

All parent chaperones will be responsible for their own transportation and covering their individual cost.  


If you are interested in being a chaperone for the 7th grade field trip – please email Mrs. Glowe:


Each 7th grade section will have 2 parent chaperones.  The chaperones will be selected by a first come basis.  


Please note: If you plan to be a parent volunteer/chaperone at any school event, please complete the volunteer training, a background check, FERPA form, and the PSO Volunteer and Parent Confidentiality Expectations and Agreement form if you haven’t done so already and send them to school with your child or turn them into the front desk.  Click on the online volunteer training link.



We are excited for this great opportunity for our 7th graders!  Please look for more details as we get closer to our field trip on March 29th


Please feel free to reach out with any questions. 


End of Year

 It is difficult to believe that we have just a little more than a week left of school!  There is still more to learn but we will also need ...