Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Texas History


This week in Texas History students will have the opportunity to experience one of the most devastating events in U.S. History - The Hurricane of 1900 by reading an eyewitness account.  We will then explore the excitement of the Lucas Gusher at Spindletop as we move in to the Age of Oil Era and the impact it made on the population of Texas. 

Below are a few important dates to mark as the 2nd quarter comes to an end:

      • Thursday 1/6- Signed Unit 5 test due  - Students receive Unit 6 Study Guide 
      • Friday 1/7 - Quiz over notes from the week / Research due for Era
      • Pamphlet Project   
      • Tuesday 1/11 Era Pamphlet Project due 
          • Thursday 1/13 Unit 6 Test                                                                                

End of Year

 It is difficult to believe that we have just a little more than a week left of school!  There is still more to learn but we will also need ...