Monday, October 25, 2021

Literary Character Day Guidelines

Literary Character Day

Friday, October 29th

*As a reminder: students must submit a form describing their costume 
by WEDNESDAY (Oct. 27th) 

Character dress up day is this Friday, October 29th.  We are looking forward to the many fun activities planned.  Your child must follow the guidelines for character dress up day below and get approval by filling out the costume proposal form (link below).  Please be sure you send your child in shoes that are appropriate for recess and PE.  


If your child arrives at school with a costume that has not been approved and/or does not follow the guidelines, they will be sent to the lobby to wait until a parent arrives with either an appropriate costume or the school uniform.


If your child chooses not to participate, they must wear their school uniform.  Please read the guidelines listed below.



Guidelines for Character Day Dress Up Day

Students may dress up as any character from any book on the K-6 Classics to Keep List, a grade level read aloud book, Greek or Roman Mythology or a historical character from our curriculum at Western Hills and come to school primed for a joyful day filled with reading. 


  • Students who do not wish to wear a costume should come to school in his or her regular uniform. 
  • Parents MUST fill out and turn in a "Costume Proposal Slip" to their teacher on or before Wednesday, October 27th in order for your student to participate in Character Dress up Day.  The costume MUST be approved by the teacher.  
  • No masks or all-over face paint (freckles, mustaches, etc. are okay)
  • Hats, gloves, ears, etc. are acceptable as long as they stay on and are not a distraction (teacher will confiscate if that happens).
  • No props, such as weapons, baskets, wands, etc.
  • If the costume is such that it needs clothes underneath, it should be their uniform. 
  • Please keep in mind students will be going to recess in their costumes, so one that allows free movement is encouraged.



End of Year

 It is difficult to believe that we have just a little more than a week left of school!  There is still more to learn but we will also need ...